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How to TP for Free on Buster Day

Step 1:
Click VS Icon


Steps 2 and 3:
Click Alliance Assaults tab
Click Attack button


Step 4:
Place your base in enemy server


Red pins = more points
white pins = less points

You only get points for troop kills so watch the mail to see if you're even killing any.  


When ready to return repeat Steps 1-3 and click the Return button.  You can do this all day for free, it will not drop shields


Zombie Siege

First off, everyone should take a few moments of their day to thank our glorious R4 filthymcnasty for the great learning experience he provided that led to this write up.  You are filthy and we love you. 

Doing radar tasks now earns Doom Legion Clues for the alliance.  Once we reach the current goal, an R4 can trigger the event.  This will cause a zombie stronghold to swap in our hive.  The stronghold will spawn 20waves of zombies that will attack all qualifying members of the alliance.  The longer you last without getting breached, the higher your individual rewards will be.  There are also alliance wide rewards for overall participation.


To prepare for this set up your defense lineup to your max.  Once your base has been breached (you are on fire), then you are out of the event.  If this happens to you, look for other commander to reinforce to help keep them in the game.  Just last 20rounds without getting breached and you're good to go.  

Zombie Siege

How to Marshal

1st = Your strongest troop

2nd = Your 2nd strongest troop

We have 30min to do the event, and the fastest rally you can set is 5min.  That means if you are perfect and on point with your rally setting, you can set a maximum of 6 rallies per troop.  This will limit your damage potential.


To maximize damage, do not set rallies on Marshal with your 1st.   You should be setting rallies with your 2nd for others to join, and joining other rallies with your 1st.  Here are some points to remember:


  • As SOON as your 2nd returns from an attack, immediately set a new rally for it

  • When your 1st returns from an attack, quickly join the oldest rally in the list

    • open rallies and scroll all the way down the list and join the rally with the smallest time remaining you can​

    • try not to take the last open slot if you're not a heavy hitter

  • DO NOT set rallies for anything other than Marshal during the event.  There is always someone who does, please do not be that person.  

    • people will accidentally join the doom instead of the Marshal and get mad at you​

    • it shows you're not participating in the event like you should be

    • it shows you don't read / follow instructions


Doing it this way your 1st will be able to get a lot more than just 6 attacks in.


Once Marshal is complete, continue to send rallies and attacks as normal until you have reached the maximum reward tier, then stop so there is room for those who haven't hit the max yet to farm as many points as they can before it ends.  



Ideally you want to only hit trucks that give our server points towards the overall Capitol War.  The target server for the current week will always be at the top of this site, and should be the focus of all your wrath.  You could open your normal truck interface and just refresh a bunch until you find one from the right server, but that is annoying.  Instead you can go directly to the server you want, and then just hang out near cities and follow truck routes and easily pick the UR Trucks you can handle pretty quickly.  Follow the steps below to travel to other servers.

Step 1

Click Warzone Duel


Step 2

Click Grouping


Step 3

Click View for server you want to visit


Capitol War

how to get points


Warzone Duel

how to get points



How VS Works


The game pairs alliances together based on rankings.  For 6 days the alliances compete with each other for points, whoever has the most points at the end of the week wins.  After a 4 week bracket tournament, top ranking alliances are shifted into Leagues.  The higher the League, the better the rewards.   This section will teach you how to maximize your points for the week, and give you a breakdown of each day and how to earn points for that day's activities.  You can view current progress by clicking the VS icon as shown, and clicking the Duel Progress tab.

Things to Save : Day Needed


  • Radar Tasks : 1, 3, 5

  • Building Presents : 2, 5

  • Drone Component Boxes : 3

  • Drone Skill Chip Chests: 1

  • Survivor Tickets : 2

  • Hero Tickets : 4

  • Hero XP  4

  • Hero Skill Medals : 4

Radar Tasks
Days 1, 3, and 5


You can see my tasks on the left are at 1/40 right now because the time i took this screen was a radar day.  You want to avoid doing radar tasks until you are at 40/40.  Once you're there you can drop it down to 35/40 if you're not on a radar day because you'll just get those back the next day.  Days where you get VS points for doing radar tasks is where you want to actually do them all.  This would be all the odd days 1, 3 and 5.

Building Power

Days 2 and 5

Christmas Morning

You do not get credit for the building power until you unwrap these presents.  So as you can see from the lovely KyungHwa's base in the screen shot, she's been saving these for the days when she'll earn VS points for us. 

A true hero, i'm tearing up.


Day 1 - Radar Training

Things to do today


  • Do all radar tasks until clear, continue to clear radar tasks all day

  • Everything Drone except Component Boxes

  • Open all Drone Skill Chip boxes

  • Complete all Skill Chip Assignments/Upgrades

  • Drone Attributes tab and click Data Training button as much as you can to spend Data points and Parts

Day 2 - Base Expansion

   Things to do today


  • Save Radar Tasks

  • Open base presents

  • Use Construction Speed Boosts

  • Roll for UR Trucks

  • Roll for UR Secret Tasks

  • Spend Survivor Tickets

Tip:  boost timing

When using a boost, wait for at least 10min after you build and clicked help to allow the alliance to help and drop your time down some to lower the amount of boost you need​

Day 3 - Age of Science

Things to do today


  • Do all radar tasks until clear, continue to clear radar tasks all day.

  • Open all Drone Component Boxes

  • Merge/Upgrade all in Drone Component tab

  • Maximize Tech research, focusing on tech that costs Valor Badges.  You'll see this icon as a resource in the tech tree as shown in screen shot​ below.

  • Wait to spend speedups until after alliance has had at least 10min to help reduce the time remaining as much as possible.

Day 4 - Train Heroes

Things to do today


  • Save Radar Tasks

  • All hero upgrades

    • Attributes Upgrades

    • Skills Upgrades

    • Tier Upgrades​​

  • Spend Hero Recruitment Tickets

Tip:  Maximize Shards


Day 5 - Total Mobilization

Things to do today


  • Do all radar tasks until clear, continue to clear radar tasks all day.

  • Train as many max tier troops as possible​

    • ​train lower tiers through the week for upgrading on this day. 

    • Let's say your highest tier is T8​​, then through the week have all 4 barracks pumping out T4 troops

    • on day 5, cascade your barracks training so each one is doing a different tier

    • 1st barracks upgrades T4 to T5

    • 2nd barracks upgrades T5 to T6

    • 3rd barracks upgrades T6 to T7

    • 4th barracks upgrades T7 to T8


To upgrade instead of train, open your barracks and look for the green arrow in your troop list.  In the screen shot you can see I have 1k T6 troops available to upgrade.  Click them and slide the slider all the way to the right, then click the Green box with the white arrow to go to the upgrading screen, then click Promote.   


Day 6 - Enemy Buster



LeijaDesigns says don't bite off more than you can chew  :P

Target 273

Dooms / Zombies

When clicking the creature you wish to murder, you will see a Recommended Power.  If the squad you send is lower power than this number, you will lose troops and die as you contemplate your choices.  If it's too strong, hit up NuR chat and we'll help you.

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